Why Strength Training?
For way too long, strength training has been the domain of men. And that’s generated a whole heap of unhelpful myth and misconception around lifting weights. Not to mention the gym environment remains pretty damn intimidating.
All the while, the many wonderful health benefits of strength training are there waiting for us women to reap too, if only we knew exactly what was up for grabs and felt comfortable accessing it.
From cardiovascular health to bone health to weight management… the physical health benefits are far reaching. But. Where the power of strength training truly lies is in what it can do for our sense of self.
Lifting weights shifts the focus away from measuring, weighing, scrutinising, and criticising our bodies, and teaches us to nourish, nurture, and appreciate them for what they can do.
Whether you're completely new to strength training or you're looking to strength training to help you navigate a particular stage in life, we've got you covered.

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At Learn to Lift we’re on a mission to make the benefits of strength training more accessible to women. All of our courses are designed with at-home training in mind, to give you choice, flexibility and privacy when you work out.
We believe in providing long-term, sustainable training solutions. By teaching you how to plan, build and perform your own workouts, we equip you with everything you need to achieve the results you want.
And once you gain the know-how, you’ve got those skills for life.

A Little Bit Of Knowledge Goes A Long Way
We're passionate about the learning experience, because when you know what to do, how to do it, and why you're doing it, you're equipped to take ownership of your health and fitness.
And that matters:
You dictate your schedule
You lead a busy life, and travelling to a gym, sticking to a class timetable, or committing to a regular training slot might not be practical. What’s more, your time is precious and you need to know that your workouts are delivering the most efficient and effective use of it. Being able to put together your own workouts gives you the freedom and flexibility to train whenever, wherever and with whatever equipment suits you best.
You stay motivated
Learning gives you knowledge and knowledge gives you the power to make your own choices. Having autonomy – as opposed to being told what to do and simply following along – is fundamental to motivation. Making your own choices means you’ll be more engaged and invested in the process, and more likely to stick at it long-term.
You achieve results you really want
It’s easy to get caught up in hype, social expectation and peer pressure and wind up working towards somebody else’s ideals. But learning how to adapt your training to your unique circumstances, priorities and values helps you set personal, meaningful and realistic goals, give you focus, and keep you on track to achieve the results you want.
You've got a health and fitness solution that's going to last
As with all things health and fitness, lifting weights isn’t a case of do it once and it’s done. To be able to integrate, adapt and sustain it is fundamental to your long-term health and wellbeing. Thankfully, once you learn how, you’ve got that knowledge for life.